Heating with water has come a long way from the old radiators that used to circulate hot water from a central boiler. Now you can circulate water (or electricity) through the floor for maximum comfort and heat distribution. No more walking across cold tile – keep your toes cozy with under floor heating.
But radiant floor heating isn’t just about luxuriously keeping your feet warm, it has other benefits.
- It’s quiet and hypoallergenic.
- It’s energy efficient – Scientifically speaking, heat rises upwards. Therefore heating your floor evenly distributes warm air throughout your room – starting from the floor all the way to ceiling.
- Added benefit, it also heats furniture and other objects sitting on your floor, making your whole house toasty warm.
When you’re ready to install radiant floor heating in your home, contact Trinity Plumbing.
This spotlight on radiant floor heating is part of our series on Luxury Plumbing Features that enhance your home & increase your resale value.